3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Tattoo Over a Mosquito Bite

Tattooing is an expensive and lifetime procedure. So, everyone wants to get their tattoo perfectly. But can you get tattoo over a mosquito bite? Or will a mosquito bite ruin your tattooing plans?

Well, the fact is, you shouldn’t tattoo over a mosquito bite. It’s because there’s a chance of getting swelling and discomfort. It’s best to wait for the swelling or allergic reaction to heal properly before tattooing.

Keep reading the piece to know every necessary information you may want to know about tattooing over a mosquito bite.

Can You Tattoo Over a Mosquito Bite

Can You Tattoo Over a Mosquito Bite?

Generally, the tattoo parlors wouldn’t say no to tattooing over the mosquito bite. But there is always the risk of infection; the risk is more if you have sensitive skin.

The ink from tattoos and other pollutants are forced deep into the skin during tattooing, which can irritate and inflame the skin. It’s best to postpone getting a tattoo if you’ve just had a mosquito bite until the skin has fully healed.

Other than this, mosquito bites might create problems for the tattoo stencil. The tattoo artist may disfigure the tattoo work due to the bite. Now you might ask- how long does a tattoo stencil last?

Well, tattoo stencils are not permanent. This is just the outline of the original work to do your tattoo. You can easily wash it off with water. With proper washing procedures, it might take some days to wash off.

Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Fresh Tattoos?

Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Fresh Tattoos - Tattoo Strategies
Image Credit: Hryshchyshen Serhii, Shutterstock

It may sound ridiculous, but yes, mosquitos are attracted to fresh tattoos. That’s because the body releases more carbon dioxide when a tattoo is new, and mosquitoes are drawn to them.

Carbon dioxide is the reason why mosquitos are drawn to humans. And as tattoos represent a wound, they generate more carbon dioxide than the surrounding skin.

Mosquitoes are also attracted to sweat and lactic acid, which are present in greater quantities on freshly tattooed skin.

Therefore, try to avoid getting tattoos in places that are likely to draw mosquitoes, such as close to your neck or face, to avoid getting bitten. 

Why Should You Not Tattoo Over a Mosquito Bite?

Why Should You Not Tattoo Over a Mosquito Bite - Tattoo Strategies
Image Credit: New Africa, Shutterstock

Here are three compelling reasons why tattooing over a mosquito bite isn’t a good idea.

1. Infections

Mosquitos carry viruses or parasites, so if you get bitten by one of those, you may fall seriously ill. Tattooing over the infected area will cause more problems; your original idea of the tattoo might be ruined because of swelling.

2. Scratching

Mosquito bites result in itching and scratching; the more you start to scratch, the more your skin will be affected by it. If you get a fresh tattoo and you start to scratch that, this will remove your top layer of skin prematurely. This will mess up your tattoo, causing patchy areas.

3. Swelling

Bug bites typically cause the afflicted region to swell. This makes it a little more difficult for a tattoo artist to do their job correctly.

Because the tattoo was applied to elevated skin, it may even appear different and uglier after the swelling subsides. Additionally, as the tattoo returns to its usual size, the ink concentration in specific areas may vary, changing the tattoo’s appearance. Things to Consider Before Getting a Tattoo After Sustaining a Mosquito Bite

4 things you need to consider before getting a tattoo over a mosquito bite

4 things you need to consider before getting a tattoo over a mosquito bite - Tattoo Strategies
Image Credit: New Africa, Shutterstock

1. No itching

Most of the time, a bug bite will only cause itching discomfort. When your tattoo artist agrees to tattoo over or around the bite zone, you can go forward with your booked visit without noticeable skin changes.

But can you endure hours of being still next to the needle without feeling the impulse to rub or scratch the bite?

Will you be able to let it rest throughout the period after the tattoo is finished? You know yourself best; if you lack the self-control to avoid scratching or rubbing the bite, cancel your visit.

2. Multiple Bites = More Complications

Most bug bites are separate incidents, but the mosquito, the summer’s most annoying insect, frequently attacks the area where you want to get a tattoo. Before having tattooed, apply your ointment; you should take good care of your tattoo area and let it heal.

3. Allergic reactions

In some cases, there is a chance your skin may swell, or there may be redness spreading from the bite area. If this kind of reaction is apparent, you must wait until the area is fully healed.

This may be a case of an impending allergic reaction. Even if the symptoms aren’t much blatant, you should not go for a tattoo. Go to a physician, see what the physician prescribes and let the bite area heal properly.

4. Artist’s integrity

Some less-experienced tattoo artists may tattoo you without enough care. It’s crucial to make sure that the artist does his job efficiently. Otherwise, there are chances of getting side effects from itching to even infections. You should consider the reputation of the tattoo shop and artists as well.

What to Do If You’ve Tattooed Over a Mosquito Bite?

What to Do If Youve Tattooed Over a Mosquito Bite - Tattoo Strategies
Image Credit: Microgen, Shutterstock

Once you have tattooed over a mosquito bite, there is no going back. Now you need to have patience and let the tattooed area fully heal.

Along with the healing process, you need to see whether a mosquito bite has been infected or not. If the swelling is still there, you can apply a treatment-

  • Use soap and water to wash the area.
  • For swelling and itching, apply an ice pack for about 10- 15 minutes.
  • A mixture of baking soda and water should be applied to the swollen area, which will help reduce itching.
  • To reduce itching, apply an over-the-counter anti-itch or antihistamine cream.

The tattoo may be inflamed due to the bite, but after a couple of days, the swelling will go away, and the tattoo will sit according to work.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you put bug spray on a new tattoo?

No, you should not. While your tattoo is healing, keep perfumes, scented products, hairspray, insect repellent, and cosmetics away from it. Use only what your tattoo artist has instructed you to use to keep it wet and clean.

What should you do if you get mosquito bites on a tattoo?

Take proper care to heal the tattoo area. Contact the tattoo artist to know what procedure you need to follow.

Can scratches damage a tattoo?

Only a healing tattoo can be affected by fingernail scratches. They won’t erase ink that has been applied to the dermal layer, the deeper layer of skin beneath the epidermis, once a tattoo has fully healed. This usually takes 2-4 months.


Did you find the answer to the question- Can you tattoo over a mosquito bite?

We tried to answer any questions you may have in mind and also come up with solutions you might face. We have provided the reasons why you should not tattoo over a mosquito bite and what to follow afterward.

Hope this article helped you uncover all the questions you had in mind.


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