Can I Bring Tattoo Equipment On An Airplane?

In this state of the economy, you may feel the need to expand your trade and travel to other places or states with your equipment. But, the flight policy regarding tattoo equipment is vague and confuses you at first glance. You may ask, can I bring tattoo equipment on an airplane?

Yes, You can carry your tattoo equipment on an airplane anywhere in the USA. You have to pack your tattoo needles in a safe manner and you can carry tattoo ink like any other liquid. Tattoo machines with lithium-ion or lithium-metal batteries are to be carried in carry-on baggage. The rules about tattoo equipment outside the states are subject to interpretation.

In this article, we will give you an insight into how to carry your tattoo equipment. We will also talk about the rules of flight in different regions of the world. Now, let’s get straight to it.

Rules For Flight In Different Regions

Before answering the initial question, we are presenting you with a framework regarding air travel around the globe. Different countries have different flight rules that are unique to them.

First, you have to know the rules of different parts of the globe which will give you insight into if you can carry tattoo equipment and how can you carry them.


You can easily carry your tattoo needles or tattoo guns in hand and cargo luggage in the USA. But if your tattoo guns are electric and use batteries, then you have won’t have it that easy. If you use lithium metal or lithium-ion batteries, then TSA recommends packing those in a carry-on package.

If you are carrying it in checked luggage, then you should install the batteries and make sure that the tattoo gun doesn’t get activated.

Any extra batteries should be carried in cabin luggage. Make sure to pack the tattoo needles are correctly packed and don’t cause any harm while someone handles your baggage.


Canada doesn’t have any specific rules about tattoo needles. It is unclear about their legality.

But, needles and hand tools with a length of 2.4 inches or less are allowed in carry-on luggage. Traveling with a complete kit might create the impression that you intend to work and might raise some additional questions for the border patrol.

Europe, China, Australia, and India

The rules regarding tattoo needles are not that clear in Europe, China, India, and Australia. In general, needles are considered sharp items and should be carried in checked baggage.

They can’t be carried in cabin baggage. Also, passengers are asked to rethink their decision about bringing tattoo needles to another country as it may raise some questions from the border patrol, alongside the customs.

If a person doesn’t have a working and carries tattoo equipment, authorities might identify the person as an illegal worker.

Can I Bring Tattoo Equipment On An Airplane?

You can carry your tattoo equipment on an airplane in the USA. For other parts of the world, the rule is quite unpleasant.

The USA allows you to carry your tattoo equipment on a flight if you follow some special rules and regulations. Tattoo needles can be carried in carry-on luggage without any worries.

If you pack them in the checked luggage, pack them in a manner that cannot harm the TSA agents when they check your bags. Tattoo inks can be carried like any other liquids and have no special regulations. While tattoo guns are allowed to be carried, the batteries in them might raise some questions.

Guns using lithium-ion or lithium-metal batteries are advised to pack in the carry-on luggage. Devices using other types of batteries can be carried in checked luggage. You should also carry your license to answer any follow-up questions that may arise.

How to Carry Tattoo Equiments On An Airplane

Now, Let’s talk about how to carry your tattoo equipment on a plane. Tattoo equipment is electrical devices and has some special regulations about carrying them. Following these regulations will ensure your flight goes without a hitch.

Tattoo Needles

You can carry your tattoo needles without any issues in the states. You have to carry your license with you to answer any question that the TSA might ask you. Also, you have to make sure the needles are carried following proper precautions.

You can carry your tattoo needles in carry-on luggage. If you plan to put them in checked luggage, then pack them safely. Make your that the TSA officer searching your bag doesn’t cut or get jabbed by the needles.

The best thing to do is to buy a tattoo travel kit and carry the needles in it. You can also carry them in a hard case.

Tattoo Ink

In the eyes of the TSA, tattoo ink is as same as any other liquid. So, the rules regarding them are pretty much the same as carrying liquids.

If the ink container you carrying has a size of 100 ml or 3.4oz, then you can carry it in carry-on luggage. In the case of Checked bags, there is no restriction on the size of the container.

Tattoo Gun

You can easily carry your tattoo gun on a plane. The TSA accepts tattoo guns in both carry and checked baggage. However, the type of battery your machine uses somewhat changes its carrying status.

If your tattoo gun uses lithium-metal or lithium-ion batteries, then you should carry them in carry-on baggage. Devices using other types of batteries are allowed in carry-on and checked baggage. Also, make sure that the equipment doesn’t start on its own.


Can I Bring Tattoo Ink on An Plane?

You can carry your tattoo in on a plane as any other liquid. They have no special rules or regulations about them.

You can carry your tattoo ink in both checked and carry-on baggage. If you have a vial that has a size of 100 ml or 3.4oz, then you can carry it in a carry-on bag. If the size is larger, then it has to be carried in a checked bag.

Can I Bring Electronic Tattoo Equipment on An Plane?

You can carry your electronic tattoo equipment on a plane in both carry-on and checked luggage. If your device uses lithium-ion or lithium-metal batteries, then you have to carry them in carry-on baggage.

Electronic devices using lithium-ion batteries are not allowed in the checked baggage for they are a potential fire hazard. If the device is being carried in the checked luggage, then the batteries should be installed, and make sure that the equipment doesn’t start on its own. 

What is the best way to transport my tattooing equipment safely?

The best way to keep your tattooing equipment safe during travel is to carry it in cabin baggage. The TSA allows you to carry your equipment if you follow the rules.
The TSA allows you to carry the tattooing equipment if you follow the rules.
But, we suggest you buy a traveling tattoo kit box.
The box will ensure maximum security and reduce the hassle of packing them individually. It will also ensure that the ink doesn’t spill and your devices don’t bruise due to turbulence.

Last Words

Well, Now if someone asks ‘can I bring tattoo equipment on an airplane, we believe you can answer the question thoroughly.

You can transport your tattoo equipment anywhere in the United States. Tattoo needles should be stored safely, and tattoo ink can be transported like any other liquid. Tattoo machines powered by lithium-ion or lithium-metal batteries must be transported in carry-on luggage. Outside of the United States, the rules governing tattoo equipment are open to interpretation.

We hope that you have gained some practical insights that may help you. Now, Pack your bags and take your beloved equipment with you!

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