Can Vets Have Tattoos? [Should You Be Concerned?]

Recently, it has become more typical to get tattoos and body piercings. Compared to past generations, these figures show a considerable rise in tattoos and body piercings.  But in many cases, elderly people are the ones who own and manage veterinarian clinics. This can make you ponder if it will be simple to acquire a career as a vet tech if you have tattoos or body piercings. So, you might ask, can vets have tattoos?

Yes, in most English-speaking nations, at least, having a tattoo won’t prevent you from working in veterinary situations. Consider having tattoos in less noticeable places if you worry your employer may object to them.

Every conceivable facet of whether vets can have tattoos has been considered. So stick around to learn more.

Can Vets Have Tattoos

Is It Permissible For An Employer To Forbid Piercings and Tattoos?

Is It Permissible For An Employer To Forbid Piercings and Tattoos - Tattoo Strategies
Image Credit: Pixel-Shot, Shutterstock

According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which was established to combat workplace discrimination, it is entirely lawful for companies to:

  • Assess each employee’s compliance with the dress code.
  • Establish a clothing code for employees to follow.

In other words, your employer has the legal authority to prohibit body piercings, tattoos, and other cosmetic changes. They can refuse to recruit anyone who has tattoos or body piercings, and they can usually reprimand or terminate workers who have new piercings or tattoos.

How Are Tattoos And Piercings Treated in the Majority of Veterinary Clinics?

How Are Tattoos And Piercings Treated in the Majority of Veterinary Clinics - Tattoo Strategies
Image Credit: Pixel-Shot, Shutterstock

Most private practice companies formerly had formally or informally prohibitive policies on tattoos and facial piercings. It’s reasonable to conclude that many employers in private practice were uneasy about tattoos and piercings. However, they have recently begun to change. There are various sites where people can have visible tattoos and piercings as long as they don’t endanger others or contain objectionable messages or lengthy, dangling chains.

Related Article: Can A Social Worker Have Tattoos

How Tattoos Have Affected Careers Of Different Vets [Real Case Studies]

How Tattoos Have Affected Careers Of Different Vets - Tattoo Strategies
Image Credit: FXQuadro, Shutterstock

1. Bristolian Sadie Oliver, a senior veterinary receptionist at Highcroft veterinary group 

For once, she was worried that having tattoos might prevent her from gaining a job while employed at the vet clinic. It would be her first job application since having ink on her hands and neck. Something she would continue to cover in a heartbeat and would not regret doing at all. She wore a professional outfit to the interview and concealed my tattoos. She recalls wanting the chance to come in and destroy them without giving them a chance to immediately condemn me.

The interview went well, and as it was coming to a close, she was comfortable enough to remove my blazer and show her her arms, which are decently covered. The interviewer paused in the middle of her inquiry, let out a small gasp, and immediately inquired about her job.

She was invited to give her a spin by the interviewer, who requested politely and looked genuinely interested in her.

However, the interviewer continued by saying that she would need to check with the people in charge to ensure that if she were employed, the firm wouldn’t have an issue with her hands and neck tattoos. The interviewer was aware that not everyone likes tattoos.

She just wanted a chance to show she was no different from anybody else waiting in the hallway to be interviewed and that I had more than the necessary experience for the position.

She received an invitation for a trial shift a week later, which was a lot of fun. Later that day, she received the good news that they couldn’t wait to have me on board and that some of the older ladies working at reception found me very friendly and helpful. 

People occasionally disparage her behind her back, such as at the bus stop. She doesn’t concentrate on the fact that normally older folks walk away from her as if she is contagious because I find it sad.

Being narrow-minded is at their expense since they’re losing out on a decent person! She has always thought tattoos are lovely and fascinating, and she likes the notion that they allow us to stand out from the crowd and declare our individuality. Accept us or reject us.

She has finally found her place and a future job at the vets, who are more than accepting of her and other professionals in the field who have several tattoos; only later did they hire a vet who was completely covered head to toe. No matter how they look, everyone does their duties to the best standards, and our principles or work ethics are unaffected by tattoos.

Here you’ll find her full story. We believe that she has already made you more confident!

2. Erin Sevde, a third-year student at Ross University’s School of Veterinary Medicine

She has never experienced unfavorable treatment from current or prospective employees because of my tattoos. And no, she has never experienced a client treating me differently due to my tattoos that she was aware of.

Does she believe it’s necessary to hide her tattoos? No. She wants to be recognized as the veterinarian that she is, yet, at the same time. She wants people to appreciate her based on the type of medicine I practice and how I treat her patients, not on the tattoos she has on her body. 

She doesn’t seem to mind being known as the tattooed doctor. That would be awesome, right? That is what she means. Just perhaps not immediately away. What about initial impressions made during an interview, though? Does she worry about how the interviewer would see my tattoos? The point is, that she is aware that humans have an innate tendency toward judgment.

She believes that most of the time, those of us who have tattoos anticipate that people will treat us differently or are already doing so. She recalls once entering an exam room with two elderly patients and assuming they would ignore what she said and be gazing at my tattoos as she tried to explain to them about their pet. She was mistaken.

When she went in, they took a quick peek at her tattoos. You can’t blame folks for glancing, and then they seemed to focus only on the situation at hand, which is both how it should be and frequently is.

She believes that one of the issues is that we make assumptions about other people too quickly. This ultimately contributes to the conflict around tattoos and other forms of body alteration at work.

It’s time for what might not be a popular opinion right now. She believes that some tattoos should be covered up at work, particularly in the medical industry.

She thinks that anything offensive or indecent needs to be concealed. She is aware that she could face backlash for this, but she thinks that skulls should also be covered. Consider yourself the client before you decide you detest her. Consider going to a veterinary clinic in an emergency if your pet is in serious trouble or if you need to put a pet to sleep.

She applied for jobs at a veterinary hospital and was hired for each.  She was an assistant trainer at highly costly horse facilities and worked for high-end wineries. At none of these positions did she receive any different treatment from anyone. She could tell they were at ease dealing with and relating to me since they connected well.

Everything takes time. For many people, tattoos may be a pretty regular aspect of life, but for many others, they are still incredibly foreign. We must exercise patience. Having said that, she sees no problem if a clinic wants me to pay for them. She recruited her because of who she is, her abilities, her skills, and her personality. Not for her ink.

There is nothing wrong with the fact that not everyone believes the same as she does. We all need to remember when interacting with clients or coworkers in our daily lives.

Visit this page to know more about the story.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can vet techs have tattoos?

If the changes are not objectionable and don’t represent a safety issue, many veterinary clinics won’t hesitate to hire a vet tech with tattoos or piercings. However, there are still some veterinary practices that may exclude candidates for employment based only on the existence of tattoos or body piercings.


Is it clear to you at this point if you can have tattoos?

Since we’ve covered all there is to know about the topic, we’re hoping you chose “yes.” You’ll thank yourself afterward for exercising patience throughout your reading.

Best of Luck!

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